Monocalcium phosphate in poultry feed
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Monocalcium phosphate in poultry feed

Publicar Time: 2022-04-12     Origem: alimentado

Monocalcium phosphate, an inorganic compound, the chemical formula is Ca(H2PO4)2, is a colorless triclinic flake, granular or crystalline powder, widely used as a feed additive for aquaculture animals and livestock and poultry breeding animals. Also used as leavening agent, dough conditioner, buffer, nutritional supplement, emulsifier, stabilizer and other quality improvers.

This article consists of the following three parts

Application of monocalcium phosphate in food

Application of monocalcium phosphate in feed


1. Application of monocalcium phosphate in food

Monocalcium phosphate is used as a leavening agent, dough conditioner, buffer, nutritional supplement, emulsifier, stabilizer and other quality improvers. It can improve the complex metal ions, pH value, and ionic strength of food. It can improve the adhesion and water holding capacity of food. For flour, cakes, pastries, bakery products, fried foods, biscuits, milk powder, cold drinks, ice cream, etc.

2. Application of monocalcium phosphate in feed

It is widely used as afeed additivefor aquaculture animals and livestock and poultry breeding animals. The addition amount in the feed is generally 1% to 2%.

(1) Broiler

The biological potency of monocalcium phosphate is higher than all other phosphates. In practical application, which phosphate to use can be decided according to the corrected phosphorus price of phosphate. The feeding effect of monocalcium phosphate in broiler diets was significantly higher than that offosfato dicálcico.

(2) Laying hens

The production performance indicators of laying hens are different, and the RBV is different; the phosphorus source of laying hens should bemono-dicalcium phosphateor dicalcium phosphate, and monocalcium phosphate should not be used.

(3) Pig

For the RBV of porcine monocalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate was 18% higher than that of dicalcium phosphate. For growing and finishing pigs, which phosphate should be chosen according to the corrected phosphorus price of phosphate; for weaned piglets: monocalcium phosphate replaces dicalcium phosphate, the feed intake is increased by 16%, and the daily weight gain is increased by 11%. Benefit increased by 40%.

(4) Fish

Monocalcium phosphate should be used as fish bait: the non-phytate phosphorus level of carp bait should be 0.60%, and the optimum addition amount of monocalcium phosphate should be 20.2 kg/ton.


Different animals and different feeding stages should choose different chemical forms of phosphate.

Broilers and growing-finishing pigs: Monocalcium phosphate is superior to any other phosphate in terms of performance and relative biological potency.

Colocação de galinhas: fosfato mono-dicálcico escamoso(MDCP)ou fosfato de dálico granular(DCP)

Leitões desmamados primeiros: fosfato de monocalcium (MCP)

Peixe: fosfato de monocalcium(MCP)

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